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Optimize solar energy in case of overload with the Embion EMS

Optimize solar energy in case of overload with the Embion EMS

It's happening more and more often: solar panel inverters shut themselves down when the power grid becomes overloaded. This usually occurs on sunny days, when a lot of solar energy is generated and fed back into the grid, while the demand for electricity is low. To prevent grid stability from being compromised, in both inverters and power grids, protection functions are built into them. These functions temporarily shut down inverters in the event of an overload or excessive grid voltage.

While this is important for grid stability, it also causes solar panels to generate less energy and not be fully utilized.

Solar power limitations due to overloading

When an overload occurs, the grid voltage rises. Once it reaches the limit of 253 volts, the inverter automatically shuts down. This process repeats itself until the grid voltage is within safe limits again. In the meantime, the solar plant cannot feed energy back or use it locally. This means that both own consumption and feed-in to the grid are restricted, leaving solar energy production behind.

How the Embion EMS prevents energy loss

To minimize the loss of solar energy production, the Embion EMS offers a smart and effective solution. The EMS works brand-independently and can manage solar power, charging stations, heat pumps, batteries and other energy sources and consumers. It prevents grid overload by dynamically reducing inverters. Instead of shutting down the inverter completely, the system adjusts the production of solar energy so that it never generates more than is needed at the time. This keeps the solar system active and optimizes the energy generated, without overloading the grid.

More energy, less failure

With the Embion EMS, the energy production of solar panels becomes much more efficient. The generated power is cleverly distributed: first to local devices such as heat pumps or charging stations, and only the surplus goes back to the grid. This prevents inverter shutdown, minimizes production losses and maximizes the efficiency of the solar installation.

By responding to the dynamics of the energy market and preventing grid overload, the Embion EMS not only helps maximize the use of solar energy, but also contributes to a more stable and sustainable power grid.

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