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Take advantage of the Flex-E Subsidy with the Embion EMS

Take advantage of the Flex-E Subsidy with the Embion EMS

Starting April 1, 2025, a new subsidy scheme will be available for companies looking to invest in flexible energy use. The Flex-E grant makes it financially more attractive to implement smart solutions that help with grid congestion and energy optimization. Now is the time to invest in Embion's Energy Management System, which will help you control your energy consumption and take full advantage of this grant.

Why now?

The electricity grid is becoming increasingly congested, and the Authority Consumer & Market (ACM) is therefore introducing a rush-hour charge from January 1, 2025. In return, companies that use power outside peak hours will receive a discount on their grid costs. Moreover, in the future, companies in congested areas may be required to deploy their flexible power.

What does the Flex-E subsidy entail?
The law regulating this scheme was published in the Government Gazette on March 3, 2025. The Flex-E subsidy supports the implementation of a flexibility scan, feasibility studies for flexibility measures, and the realization of flexibility measures. The Embion EMS is an essential part of the flexibility scan and feasibility study, as it directly contributes to the required flexibility and optimization of your company's energy consumption.  

The subsidy runs from April 1, 2025, to October 15, 2026, and is intended for companies with a connection capacity above 100 kW, located in a postal code area where the grid operator has announced consumption congestion.  
Subsidy amounts per application:
  • For conducting a flexibility scan: 50% of the eligible costs up to a maximum of €10,000.
  • For carrying out a feasibility study for flexibility measures: 50% of the eligible costs, with a minimum of €10,000 and a maximum of €125,000.
  • For implementing flexibility measures: 35% of eligible costs, with a minimum of €25,000 and a maximum of €300,000.
Why invest in the Embion EMS?

To take full advantage of the Flex-E grant, investing in the Embion EMS is a smart choice. This is because the scheme offers support for the purchase and implementation of technologies such as an EMS. Through the Embion EMS, you get direct control over your energy consumption and respond to changes in the energy market. As a result, you have:

  • Real-time insight with the Hub into your energy consumption, so you can make conscious choices
  • You can use automatic optimization to avoid peak times and take advantage of the cheap off-peak hours
  • Flexibility to respond quickly to the requirements of your network operators
  • Save you costs by strategically purchasing energy, avoiding unnecessary grid costs

The Embion EMS is a smart investment that pays for itself!

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